Детская краевая клиническая больница Краснодара


For patients from abroad

About the hospital

State budgetary institution of health care «Children's regional clinical hospital» Ministry of health of Krasnodar region

Children’s Regional Clinical Hospital is the only large-scale multi-profile institution that provides highly specialized, highly practically feasible medical aid to the children of Krasnodar region. There are 24 patient facility units operating in hospital; estimated facility is 1013 beds. Annually about 25 000 children undergo examination and treatment here, over 14 000 surgical interventions are performed to children with congenital maldevelopments, tumors of various localization, gnathic-facial, thoracal, abdominal, anorectal diseases, retinopathy of newborns, urological and orthopaedic pathology. Daily out-patient polyclinic reception is over 1200 calls. The hospital possesses high-capacity laboratory- diagnostic base. Premature infants, blood cancer, diabetes mellitus, mucoviscidosis, immunodeficiency, bronchial asthma, collagenose and other chronic pathology patients are successfully treated and nursed in the hospital. Over the past few years hospital staff has been the first in Krasnodar region to successfully introduce highly technological surgical techniques, such as cochlear implantation operation improving hearing, installation of BAHA bone conductivity device, scoliosis correction, insulin pump implantation, cerebrum endoscopy operations.

Medical services

Approximate prices of treatment in specialized departments of Children’s Regional Clinical Hospital

The final price of treatment is individual for each patient and comprises the price for the number of days spent in hospital, the price of laboratory analyses, diagnostics, anesthesia and surgeries (if any).

According to the Rules of rendering paid medical services, in case of admittance to the hospital an individual treatment plan is drawn (comprising types and number of medical services necessary). The list of additional services is to be approved by the Patient. After the Agreement is signed, a 100% prepayment must be made for all services. After the treatment is completed the final cost of treatment is verified, and addition to an original Agreement is drawn and final payments are made.


If you speak Russian, please contact us by phone: +7 (861) 290-00-95

E-mail: inboxdkkb-kk@mail.ru

If you do not speak Russian, write us a letter with a description of your problem, and do not forget to include your contact number.

address: Krasnodar, Victory square, 1, index 350007


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